Monday, October 27, 2008

Publish and Subscribe Model in Change Data Capture (CDC) in Oracle

Most Change Data Capture systems have one person who captures and publishes change data; this person is the publisher. There can be multiple applications or individuals that access the change data; these applications and individuals are the subscribers.

Typically, a publisher deals with two databases:
*Source database
*Staging database: The following Change Data Capture objects reside on the staging database,
Change table --> A change table is a relational table that contains change data for a single source table. To subscribers, a change table is known as a publication.
Change set --> A change set is a set of change data that is guaranteed to be transactionally consistent.
Change source --> The change source is a logical representation of the source database. It contains one or more change sets.

The subscribers are consumers of the published change data. A subscriber performs the following tasks,
1.Create subscriptions
2.Notify Change Data Capture when ready to receive a set of change data.
3.Notify Change Data Capture when finished with a set of change data.

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