Monday, September 8, 2008

Syntax of the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE Data Pump parameters

With Metadata filters you can specify a set of objects to be included or excluded from an Export or Import operation, such as tables, indexes, grants, procedures.

EXCLUDE = object_type[:name_clause] [, ...]
INCLUDE = object_type[:name_clause] [, ...]
D:\> expdp ... SCHEMAS=scott EXCLUDE=SEQUENCE, TABLE:\"IN ('EMP', 'DEPT')\"

D:\> expdp ... SCHEMAS=scott EXCLUDE=TABLE:"> 'E'"

Note that if you forget to place the escape characters on the command line, and have spaces in the EXCLUDE and/or INCLUDE parameters, that the job may fail with an error such as: ORA-39071 (Value for EXCLUDE is badly formed).

Double quotes and single quotes usage
The name clause is separated from the object type with a colon. The name clause must be enclosed in double quotation marks. The single-quotation marks are required to delimit the name strings. Using the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE parameter in a parameter file is the preferred method.
It may give the error while run from the command line but it will be ok for a par file. we have to use ESCAPE to escape the error.
D:\> expdp ... SCHEMAS=scott EXCLUDE=TABLE:\"> \'E\'\"

Using the same filter name for an object type more than once
If multiple filters are specified for an object type, an implicit AND operation is applied to them. That is, the objects that are exported or imported during the job have passed all of the filters applied to their object types.


The EXCLUDE and INCLUDE parameters are mutually exclusive.
Excluding/Including an object, will also exclude/include it's dependent objects.
Dependent objects of an identified object are processed along with the identified object. For example, if a filter specifies that an index is to be included in an operation, then statistics from that index will also be included. Likewise, if a table is excluded by a filter, then indexes, constraints, grants, and triggers upon the table will also be excluded by the filter.

Exporting or Importing a large number of objects
If a large number of objects needs to be exported (or imported), it is possible that an internal buffer limit is exceeded (e.g. for the parameters INCLUDE or TABLES). If that happens it will cause the Data Pump job to abort with an error such as: ORA-06502 (PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small). This happened especially in Oracle10g Release 1 where the value for the internal buffer was set to 3000 bytes. With the fix for Bug 4053129 "EXPDP fails with ORA-39125 ORA-6502 on large list of table names" (not a public bug; fixed in and 10.2.0.x), this value was increased to 4000 bytes.
When exporting a large number of objects, we recommend to make use of a table inside the database that contains the names of the objects.
-- create a table that contains the names of the objects:
CONNECT scott/tiger
CREATE TABLE expdp_tab (owner VARCHAR2(30),
object_name VARCHAR2(128), object_type VARCHAR2(19));

-- run export DataPump job:
expdp system/manager DIRECTORY=my_dir \
DUMPFILE=expdp_s.dmp LOGFILE=expdp_s.log SCHEMAS=scott \
INCLUDE=TABLE:\"IN \(SELECT object_name FROM scott.expdp_tab WHERE \
owner=\'SCOTT\' AND object_type=\'TABLE\'\)\"

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