Monday, July 21, 2008

10000 BC [2008]

10000 BC directed by Roland Emmerich.As the Ice Age is ending, the Yagahl people are struggling to survive. A young, blue-eyed girl named Evolet is found and brought back to the tribe. The Old Mother realized that the child is fulfilling a prophecy and will save the Yagahl.

D'Leh (Steven Strait) swore his heart to Evolet when she first came to the tribe. Then they are torn apart by mysterious men arriving on horseback who kidnap many of the Yagahl, including Evolet, for slave trade.D'Leh embarks on a rescue mission with his father figure Tic'Tic (Cliff Curtis).Along the way, they encounter different lands, new people, and strange creatures including giant birds akin to a killer ostrich.

Its really good mixer of history and fantasy. Also a romantic story. I enjoyed that and waiting to enjoy it in big screen.

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